
Thursday 4 April 2013


You might think with the advent of YouTube and other such media that radio and podcasting are soon to be a thing of the past. However, the trend internationally (and especially in Africa) is still that audio dominates.

YWAM is entering into a new season of podcasting. The global YWAM Podcast is awesome, thanks Bill for your hard work on this. If you haven't already, please take a look – follow the link and listen to the latest podcast. It really helps us see how God is moving continuously in the nations. Also, this is great if you're an intercessor and value an update on which to focus your prayers.

Now, YWAM AfriCom is entering into the game with It is still to be launched and will be spear-headed by our latest addition to the team, Stefan Hall. Please keep AfriCom in your prayers as this will be a big undertaking for us, contacting friends across the continent to get their updates and share the news internationally.

Collaboration is the name of the game, encouraging all within YWAM to share their knowledge, share their news, update each other and build mechanisms for good flow of information. May God continue to guide us as we do this.


Anonymous said...

Thank God for what he is doung in yr life. Iam interested though to have my own blog. Could you help me how to .please send me an email on thanks and God bless. Irene

Bill Hutchison said...

Thank you for the endorsement, and I'm glad that you are enjoying the YWAM Podcast.

I am really looking forward to what Stefan will be doing with the YWAM Africa Podcast, it's great to have more opportunities to hear is happening around the world ...