
Thursday 10 May 2012

Do you have a biblical worldview?

This question was posed by the speaker tonight at a gathering of YWAMers from around Southern Africa. He identified how easy it is for us to have a restricted socio-economic worldview which often stems from our childhood – how we were brought up; how our parents view the world. How do we view finances and our resources that we have to hand? And what is God’s view? He used the Lord’s Prayer as a focal point, particularly: Hallowed be Your Name; Your Kingdom Come.
It was very thought provoking – one of those messages that gets you really thinking.
He encouraged us to step away from that type of thinking. What if our socio-economic worldview were to change? What if we were to see God’s presence in our lives as a type of embassy? An embassy – no matter what country you’re in – is a safe haven for any citizen that it represents. The laws, rules and regulations in that premesis are of that country. This is what, according to the speaker, we really should mean when we pray: Your Kingdom Come –  i.e. bring your embassy (protection) to this place. Let us be under Your authority and Your rules here. This left me wondering what is my socio-economic worldview? How do I restrict myself to my upbringing and my knowledge of the world? Do I really allow God to be my protector and guide? And how do we get a biblical worldview?

I suppose that I have to ask God to reveal my limitations to me and look to change when He does. I have a feeling it’s a gradual process because there’s so much that shapes us from how we were brought up. I’m not sure of any specific examples of my mentality that I have, but I’m sure over time, God will reveal them to me!

For a bit of entertainment, here are some stereotypes of socio-economic worldview on buying a necklass:
Poverty mentality
“We can’t afford Jewellery, let alone a necklass!"

Middle class mentality
“Darling I bought this designer necklass, it was 30% off, you know!”

Wealth mentality
“This necklass was exclusively handcrafted by a native American tribe 200 years ago. It’s the only one of its kind, you know”

Tuesday 8 May 2012

Be still and know

After an amazing few days with the leaders of the YWAM locations across Southern Africa it was time to join the rest of the staff for a regional conference at a spa in Worcester (just two hours drive from us). During these past few days we have wrestled with our past as a mission in this region, and learned more about God's heart for YWAM. As we shared our hearts on what we felt our roles were within YWAM using the metaphor of family (brothers, mothers, grandparent etc), we began to see that it is not easy to define ourselves. We also felt there were a lack of those who saw themselves as 'father figures' in our region.
Tonight Ian Muir - the Scottish founding father of YWAM in South Africa - gave the opening speech. In it we heard a powerful message of the importance of listening to God. He called on us to 'Be still and know..." (Psalm 46:10) because if we don't we will not (necessarily) be able to be obedient to what he's calling us to do. "In our busy lives with smart phones and mobile phones, with iPhones and iPods, it is increasingly difficult to quieten ourselves to be still ... in conferences - like this one - where schedules and timetables are pushed in importance, we can miss what God is calling us to be". 
It was fitting, therefore, after the word from Ian, for the delegates of the conference, led by Diane Vermooten of YWAM Media Village, to pay tribute through gifts and song, for the example that Ian has been to YWAM in this part of the world. He has gone before us, he has endured the hardship and paid the price for obedience, so that we can do the work we're called to do. 

Wednesday 2 May 2012

Djembe magazine: out now!

It gives me great pleasure to introduce the latest edition of AfriCom’s Djembe magazine. This is a publication of YWAM AfriCom.

As one of the most versatile drums in Africa, the djembe was originally used to gather people together, create inspirational rhythms and to help tell stories. Djembe, therefore, seemed a fitting title for an YWAM magazine designed to connect like-minded people across Africa and in which we can share encouraging stories and lessons learned.

Djembe magazine
Reporting the rhythms of YWAM Africa
Here at AfriCom, Djembe is used to communicate the awesome things God is doing in Africa through YWAM, to encourage and connect YWAM bases, ministries and missionaries across the continent with one another and with similar organizations, and to share valuable knowledge and skills.

This edition focuses on how YWAMers are bringing transformation to communities right across the continent through education and training. It’s really exciting to see how God is building His Kingdom across Africa and how YWAMers, have a key role to play.

Read how the YWAM Redeem school is bringing education and God’s love to children in the previously war-torn country of South Sudan; share in the celebration with YWAM’s Gideon Centre in Mali empowering people and restoring their God-given dignity through vocational training; and learn more about the keys to living the fruitful and meaningful lives God has called us to.

Physical copies are available for £2 each. Just email: with the number of copies you would like and we'll be in touch to arrange payment and shipping.

Or you can download view a copy of Djembe magazine here now