
Wednesday 6 March 2013

Jesus is radical

Just read Matthew 6-14 and I'm learning more about the character of Jesus from Matthew's account. He's such a bold, courageous, daring, fearless leader. He took no nonsense, he had huge humility and compassion, yet was not a people-pleaser. This is the leader I want to follow.

I'm reading the Bible in a new way this year: whole books at a time. Matthew is a bit more challenging because of its length and the amount in it. I'm finding myself stopping and imagining in the character of Jesus and how he was received when he walked the earth.

Sermons are good and necessary in every Christian's walk, but if we're not reading the Bible regularly and allowing it to challenge us directly, we can end up following some crackpot ideas created by fallible humans.

The part of seeds and the separation of the good from the bad on judgment day filled me with an awesome fear of God whilst reading it and my heart skipped a beat as I realised in a new way how real God's authority, power and judgment is.

May God continue to guide all of us who are serving Him to protect ourselves from the snare of the enemy. Help us Lord to know you, be obedient to your call and to keep ourselves pure and Holy in Your sight. Amen.

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