
Wednesday 17 February 2010

Getting into the Word

Last week we had teaching from DeWet who's a speaker in the School of Biblical Studies. He has an amazing knowledge of the Bible and he really helped us unpack the book of Ephesians. While doing so, he taught us a number of techniques for Bible study. Mainly, the inductive method: reading and observing the passage; contextualising; asking what it meant to the original audience (i.e. what overall message was the author trying to convey) then identifying practical ways we can apply that message to our lives today. He really helped the Bible to come alive and his passion, enthusiasm and motivation was contagious!

Also during that week, we spent some time receiving teaching on a Biblical overview: looking into the big picture of the Bible and how throughout the old testament God's plan of redemption and grace led to Jesus and his sacrifice on the cross. It was quite an eye opener and really showed us how much more we need to learn! What struck us most was how strict God's laws were on purity and holiness and how expensive it was for the Israelites to give sacrifices for their sins. This showed us how valuable Jesus' sacrifice really is. The price he paid means that we can live - for free! This is something that's easy to say, but we're really starting to appreciate really how great this gift from God is.

This week we're learning about the Father Heart of God. We have a well respected speaker that is sought after by lots of schools. Virmz - our school leader - managed to get him to come all the way from Hong Kong, where he currently lives. So far he has given some amazing testimonies about how God has touched his life. We have been so amazed by his humility and openness. We have been set a lot of homework recently, but today's was slightly different. Part of it involves praying for a fellow student and asking God if He has a message for them. The twist is: we have to deliver the message in a way that God shows us. This involves lots of praying and listening! Danie (our teacher) told us how 17% of what was said is remembered, but 83% of how it was said is remembered (this apploies to any context). He told us that's why God is so creative (citing the burning bush etc). Over the past two days he has been laying a foundation for the teaching. We are looking forward to what God will be doing in our lives this week. The DTS school from Worcester has come to join us for this week. It's lovely to meet them again and get to know them a bit better.
Peter continues to volunteer at Sibongile (a home in one of the biggest townships for children with cerebral palsy) where he helps the mamas by spending time with the children, feeding them, changing nappies and generally helping out (with a team of other volunteers). He's finding it both challenging but extremely rewarding.
Becky will be getting more involved with Justice ACTs now that one of their staff members is back. More on this later.
Please keep praying for us! Send us your news: We miss you all.
If you'd like to call/text us, please let us know and we'll send you our numbers.

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